Decision Tree
Decision Tree
In Decision Tree, we are going to partition the feature space into a set of separate regions. In each region, we are going to make a decision based on the majority of the training data.
The characteristic of Decision Tree is Greedy, Top-Down and Recursive.
\[\text{Partition} \\ \downarrow \\ \text{Decision1} \\ \text{Y } \swarrow \quad \searrow \text{N} \\ \text{Decision2} \quad \text{Decision3} \\\]Mathematically, Given a region $R_{p}$, we are looking for a split $s_{p}$ such that
\[\begin{aligned} s_{p}(j,t) &= (\{X \vert X_{j} < t, X \in R_{p} \}, \{X \vert X_{j} \geq t, X \in R_{p} \}) \\ &= (R_1, R_2) \end{aligned}\]where
- $j$ is the feature index
- $t$ is the threshold
Define $L(R)$ as the loss function for region $R$. Given $C$ classes, define $\hat{p}_{c}$ to be the proportion of examples in region $R$ that are class $c$.
\[L_{\text{missclassfication}} = 1 - \max_{c} \hat{p}_{c}\]Therefore, the goal is to find the split $s_{p}$ that minimizes the loss function
\[\max_{j,t} L(R_{p}) - (L(R_{1}) + L(R_{2}))\]where $L(R_{p})$ is the parent loss and $L(R_{1}) + L(R_{2})$ is the children loss.
However, the above loss function is not sensitive, since no matter how to split the region, the children loss will always equal to the parent loss. Therefore, we need to use the Cross-Entropy as loss function.
\[L_{\text{cross-entropy}} = - \sum_{c} \hat{p}_{c} \log_{2} \hat{p}_{c}\]or We can use Gini Loss as loss function.
\[L_{\text{gini}} = \sum_{c} \hat{p}_{c} (1 - \hat{p}_{c})\]Regression Trees
Given that region $R_{m}$, we have the prediction $\hat{y}_{m}$:
\[\hat{y}_{m} = \frac{1}{\vert R_{m} \vert} \sum_{i \in R_{m}} y_{i}\]and so the loss function is:
\[L(R_{m}) = \frac{1}{\vert R_{m} \vert} {\sum_{i \in R_{m}} (y_{i} - \hat{y}_{m})^{2}}\]Categorical Variables
If there exists $q$ categories, then we will have $2^{q}$ possible splits.
Regularization of Decision Trees
Minimize the leaf size
Maximize the depth of the tree
Maximize the number of nodes
Minimize the decrease of loss
Pruning (misclassification with validation set)
$m$ examples
$n$ features
$d$ depth
Ensemble Methods
Take $X_{i}$’s which are ramdom variables, that are independent identically distributed.
\[Var(X_{i}) = \sigma^{2}, Var(\bar{X}) = \frac{\sigma^{2}}{n}\]If we drop the independence assumption, then $X_{i}$’s are only identically distributed and correlated by $\rho$.
\[Var(\bar{X}) = \rho \sigma^{2} + \frac{1 - \rho}{n} \sigma^{2}\]Ways to ensemble
different algorithms
different training sets
Bagging, short for Bootstrap Aggregating, involves creating multiple subsets of the training data by sampling with replacement. Given a true population $P$ and a training set $S \sim P$, bootstrapping assumes $P = S$ and generates bootstrap samples $Z \sim S$.
Given that boostrap samples $Z_{1}, Z_{2}, \cdots, Z_{m}$, and train model $G_{m}$ on $Z_{m}$
\[G(m) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} G_{i}\]Bias-Variance Analysis
\[Var(\bar{X}) = \rho \sigma^{2} + \frac{1 - \rho}{m} \sigma^{2}\]Bootstrapping is driving down $\rho$ and we have $M \uparrow \implies Var \downarrow$, meanwhile, Bias slightly increased due to the random subsampling.
Decision Tree is a algorithm with high variance and low bias which is ideal for bagging.
Random Forests
At each split, consider only a fraction of your total features.
Decrease $\rho$
Decorrelate Models
Boosting is algorithm that combines multiple weak learners to create a strong learner.
Determine for classifier $G_{m}$, the weight of the model $\alpha_{m}$
\[\alpha_(m) \propto log(\frac{1 - \epsilon_{m}}{\epsilon_{m}})\]where $\epsilon_{m}$ is the error rate of the model.
A better classifier will have a higher weight vice versa.
And the final model is
\[G(x) = \sum_{m=1}^{M} \alpha_{m} G_{m}(x)\]